Yayınlanma Tarihi: 11 June 2015 Thursday

The Databases will be open for Test Accessing until July 8th, 2015

MEDLINE Complete

MEDLINE Complete, data base, which presents the full text of more than 2500 PubMed journals, is the biggest regarding medicine and health sciences. It also includes the full texts of JAMA, Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Diabetes, Diabetic Care journals which are well-known worldwide and leading in their fields.

EBSCO eBook Arabic Collection

EBSCO eBook Arabic Collection, data base, presents more than 1100 academic books published in Arabic World. More than 1000 e-books in Arabic language from Religion and Philosophy to Mathematics, from Sociology to Engineering are presented with unlimited access.

Please click http://www.kutuphane.hitit.edu.tr/tr-tr/Icerik/onlineveritabanları for the related data bases.


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