Yayınlanma Tarihi: 16 October 2012 Tuesday

Increasing Student Number at Hitit University

        Except for the Biology and Mathematics departments, which are unpreferable all around the country for the difficulty in finding a job,   occupancy rate at our 24 undergraduate programs at 5 faculties and 2 vocational schools has reached % 98,9. Including the Mathematics and Biology departments, occupancy rate atthe university is % 93,8. With the additional placement, 1584 students registered for the 1689 vacancy. As for the 5 vocational schools, 1471 students registered for the 1675 vacancy in 39 programs.

           The total number of students which was 8,377 in 2012 rose to 9,369 in 2011 and        11, 141 in the fall of 2012,  a 33 percent increase over fall 2010.


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