Yayınlanma Tarihi: 19 October 2014 Sunday

Visit to our Rector by the Project Participants of “A Common History”

Project Participants of “A Common History” in which Hitit University was the project partner, numbered “n.2014-2-IT03-KA105-001127” and conducted in Italy Vallefiorita(CZ) in between the dates of 29 September – 05 October 2014 visited our Rector Prof. Dr. Reha Metin Alkan in his office.

Representing our university in the project which was hosted by Italian Association Terra di Mezzo and conducted with the cooperation of Turkey and Poland, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Özalp, Dr. ErjadaProgonatı, Lect. Sevinç Soyocak Özalp and Project Coordination Unit staff Erhan Şahin and 6 students expressed their thanks to our Rector Prof. Dr. Reha Metin Alkan for his great support and informed him about the process of the project.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Reha Metin Alkan stated that our university has a student-centered vision. Emphasizing internationalization, he informed that such projects not only make contributions to our students but also make a significant contribution to our university and even our country in international platform.


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