Yayınlanma Tarihi: 01 April 2016 Friday

Mawlid Program in Ulu Mosque

Within the context of 10th anniversary celebration events of our university, mawlid program for the academic/administrative staff and students who passed away was organized by the academic staff and students of Divinity Faculty in Ulu Mosque

The program, which was organized by Asst. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Öz, Lect. Ebubekir Atalay and Lect. Bilal Atik, was carried out with the contributions of the students of Divinity Faculty and Hasan Çakmak, Huzur Mosque muezzin. The program, which received a great deal of attention from our academic/administrative staff, students and public, ended with the speech and pray of Prof. Dr. Kaşif Hamdi Okur. 


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