Yayınlanma Tarihi: 05 November 2017 Sunday

Migration Studies Application and Research Center (HÜGAM) Started its Activities

Hitit University, which continues its development rapidly, has recently increased its number of application and research centers and application and research centers to 15 within the scope of its Migration Studies and Research Center. The regulation of this newly established center was also published in the Official Gazette No. 30228 dated 02 November 2017.

Handling complex issues such as migration and immigration in all aspects and proposing scientific solutions to problems is undoubtedly one of the fundamental issues that universities should address. Acting with this consciousness, Hittite University established the "Hittite University Migration Studies Implementation and Research Center" (HÜGAM) in order to uncover problems of immigration and immigration, to offer solution proposals to them and to provide coordination of the works to be done. Thus, our university has been active in its 15th research and application center in the world.

Click here for the Regulation published in Official Gazette of Migration Studies Application and Research Center.

Click here to get a summary table showing migrant mobility in the world.

Hittite University Rectorate


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