Yayınlanma Tarihi: 10 April 2017 Monday

Approval from CoHE for Opening New Programs

Our proposal to the Higher Education Council for the opening of the " Map Cadastre Program" with "Occupational Health and Safety" in Kargı district and the "Interior Design” with “Sports Management" in Bayat district was found appropriate to be in accordance with the Law no. 2547 and the Law no. 2880 amending article 7 / d-2.

Occupational Health and Safety Program:

Program graduates can be employed as "Workers Health and Job Security Technician" in fire departments, civil defense and similar emergency facilities in all institutions, organizations and enterprises, commercial centers, high-rise buildings, universities and campus schools, shopping centers and public open centers.

Those who successfully complete the "Occupational Health and Safety" associate degree program can make a vertical transition to the "Social Services" undergraduate programs if they are successful in the Vertical Transfer Exam opened by OSYM.

Departmental graduates are required to have the job security expertise certificate issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in accordance with the regulation on the work of the staff members of Job Security issued under the Labor Law No. 4857.

Map Cadastre Program:

The aim of the department is to train “Map Cadastre Technicians” who can prepare land information and documents in the field of map and cadastre, are ability to apply the prepared projects to land and use changing and renewed knowledge in parallel with technological developments in theory and field studies for public institutions and organizations and private sector.

Sports Management Program:

Management of businesses in the service sector to meet sportive needs is a separate area of expertise. The training of competent athletes in the sports sector is the primary objective of the bachelor's degree program in sport management, in order to make and implement decisions on all managerial activities necessary to achieve their goals, including the establishment and development of these service units. At the same time, as it is stated in the 59th article of the Constitution, "The state takes measures to improve the physical and mental health of the Turkish citizens of all ages and encourages the spread of sports. The state supports the successful sportsman." it is our goal to train sports managers who are aware of the necessity of the expression.

Interior Design Program:

To educate students at associate degree level equipped with professional knowledge and to educate designers for companies with lack of qualified staff.

In our university there are 49 departments / programs in 2006, including pre-license, undergraduate and graduate programs; this number has reached 192 by today. While the total number of our students was 4,520 in 2006, this number has exceeded 17,500 today.

Hitit University Rectorate


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