Yayınlanma Tarihi: 19 January 2021 Tuesday

An Important Project From Our University For Occupational Safety In Mines

A project at our university has been prepared to prevent possible accidents that may arise from lack of knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety of employees working in the mining sector in Çorum, Amasya and Yozgat. 

The project in which our university takes an executive role has been prepared by Instructor Dr. Berna Gür with the participation of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and the Department of European Union and Financial Assistance as the program authorities.  For this project over 1 million lira from the EU will be provided to our university. 

Within the scope of this project, which aims to reduce occupational accidents and occupational diseases in the mining sector, a series of 1-year studies are planned for employers, workers, and occupational health and safety experts working in underground and aboveground coal mines in Çorum, Amasya and Yozgat.

Dr. Gür said that after the theoretical trainings to be given in the field of occupational health and safety in Çorum, they are planning to organize a technical trip to Europe to see the best practices on site. Dr. Gür further noted that in another work planned within the scope of the project, various activities will be organized in Çorum, Yozgat and Amasya in order to increase the culture and awareness of occupational health and safety.


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