Yayınlanma Tarihi: 13 June 2018 Wednesday

Approval from CoHE to Admit Students for Health Management Department

The request of the Department of Health Management at the Health school of our university to request a total of 90 students, 60 in the regular education program and 30 in the second academic program in the Education Year of 2018-2019, was examined at the meeting of the General Assembly of Higher Education.

The health sector provides outputs for the entire community and the services it produces include services demanded by the whole community. The necessity of health care for all the individuals throughout their lives constitutes the most basic characteristic of the service. The health sector is a sector that needs constantly evolving, changing, higher quality and higher quality services. The need for high-quality and qualified services requires the development of healthcare institutions, the infrastructure for health care and the development of health human power. There is a need for the efforts of educational institutions at different levels to train qualified labor force to work in the health sector. In accordance with this need, many departments and programs have been established in our country in many education and training institutions where the human power to be employed in different fields of the healthcare sector is trained.

Medical services and administrative services are offered together in health institutions. The fulfillment of administrative and financial services, budgeting, planning, communication, management functions in health institutions are the determinants of the success of medical services. There is a need for qualified managers who will serve in the administrative positions of hospitals, health care providers and organizations responsible for planning and managing health services. In recent years, many universities in our country have established departments under the name of "Health Management" which serve this purpose.

Referring to the developments in the health sector in recent years Turkey, ranging corporate reorganization, increase the efficiency of local administration, quantity of available health facilities, improvement in terms of quality and capacity, family medicine with the widespread won a new dimension of primary health services requires a more effective management.

The components of Health Transformation Program include planning and effective management and audit activities, administrative financial autonomy, development of general health insurance, development of quality and accreditation services, development of rational and effective applications in drug and material usage, development of health information systems. Parallel to the development in the health sector, the need for qualified managers will also increase. Hitit University School of Health Health Management Department will contribute to the elimination of this need with professional health managers.

Students who graduated from Health Management Department are expected to have the opportunity to work in the health sector in the central and provincial departments of the Ministry of Health, public and private sector hospitals, primary health care institutions, Social Security Institution, health service related organizations, and in sales promotion organizations, in institutions providing rehabilitation services, in elderly care centers.

With the Health Administration Program, which will take students for the first time in 2018, the number of active programs has increased to 4 in the School of Health. Currently, nearly 500 students in active programs without high schools continue their education here.

Hitit University Rectorate


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